janet's journey

I thought it time that I actually wrote down my thoughts, dreams, and hopes. Perhaps share some of what I've learned. Maybe someone will be encouraged, comforted (Life is better in community), or just amused.

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Location: Gainesville, Florida, United States

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Second Cup of Coffee pt2

they said”: gossip, rumors, and slander

But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Now early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him, and He sat down and taught them. Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, they said to him, “Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the law commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?”
John 8:3 –5 NKJV

      In this portion of Scripture, the woman has been brought before Jesus while He was teaching. First of all, where was the man in this scene? Secondly, why so public? I remember when word got out that I was pregnant. It was the people in the congregation that started the accusations and rumors. I was so hurt. I couldn’t believe the rumors and lies about my sincerity before God and foundation of my character. Then God began to help me realize that this wasn’t all about me. It took time, but God helped me to recognize the ‘angels” and true witnesses that He sent to my aide. My self-esteem was battered. I had to press my way back into church. God shielded me from further verbal stabbings and the healing began.
        You see, those psuedo-religious people were after Jesus. The woman was a handy tool or excuse. These people were full of their own sin and wanted to test Jesus. Jesus was in the habit of showing up the shortcomings of those who like to think of themselves as without fault. As we keep reading, we will see that Jesus knows all hearts.
        Those rumors and nasty stories are not about you.

How’s your cup?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Second Cup of Coffee

I wrote a brief manuscript back in 2003 about being a single mom, and the many challenges of raising a child on my own. The manuscript includes Scripture that god made especially precious to me during the early years. My pastor read the piece and said that it would make a nice series of blogs. So here we go. I hope that some one is blessed.

A Second Cup of Coffee
       Introduction – We usually have our second cup of coffee after the kids are off to school, breakfast is over, and we’re about to start our jobs, a chance to regroup before dealing with the outside world. This is our chance to talk, if ever so briefly, with The Father.  Do you mind if I join you? The scriptures tell us that where two or more are gathered in His name He will be in the midst of them. As single moms, we get very little chance to really sit down and think about anything besides the next task, next meal, and too often, the next paycheck. As never-married moms, we also must deal with the quiet shame and open sin that we are reminded of every day. Although popular media tells us that it’s O.K. to make the decisions that we have made regarding the handling of our sex lives and the resulting single-parenthood, we know that the Bible teaches against it and we are more than aware of the statistics and gloomy predictions made about our children in that same popular press.
 My goal in writing is to encourage you to turn to the God who inspired the Bible. There we find help for each day, redemption from failure, and bright promises for the future. Jesus has nothing but encouragement and healing for the woman broken and wounded by life. He also has strong words for those that would hurt our children. Let’s spend a little time with our Messiah and see if we can hear what He is saying to our hearts. I, too, am a never-married mom. I know the temptations and discouragement that often come. I also know that God loves me dearly; He has blessed me to see His Hand at work in the life of my son and me. The Lord has been more than gracious to us and I want to share the bounty of that grace with you.

Cream and sugar? 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dancing on the Front Porch!

An old friend was sharing how God was blessing her life lately. This dear sister has had a really rough couple of years. Yet she and her kids held on to hope. They sought out prayer warriors. They all stayed  totally sane and calm. This friend is always proactive, when God opened a door she immediately went through it. This particular visit, she shared some huge blessings that she had been waiting for over  a year! Sister never gave  up. She held on to every promise and spoke God's word-promises to herself and anyone that would listen daily. As she shared her testimony with me on my mom's front porch, I felt myself starting to dance. It is such blessing when God allows me to see up close how He is blessing someone else. I rejoice in the miracles in my friend's life. It gives me more hope and confidence. Hearing her faith and seeing her faith-walk encourages me.  
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


A dear young lady recently left a lucrative position to go into missions.Some would find that silly and unnecessary. Perhaps even dangerous. However, I've known this sweet young bride and her family since she was in high school. I know that they prayed long and hard before she made the leap of faith. I will call her Angel for this blog. The results of her decision: overflowing joy and peace. Scripture says 'by their fruit you shall know them.' Unlike Abraham, Angel didn't have her family and support staff to go with her. Unlike Noah, she wasn't given natural means of support in full before the trip. However, like Peter, she got out of the boat because Jesus said "Come". Another dear friend heard the call to "Come", and went. I will call her Destiny. Destiny had to rid of herself of all natural encumbrance and just go. No further direction was given. Her decision to obey God in this meant enduring rejection and great risk to 'reputation'. She chose the Lord. The result; joy unspeakable and full of glory unto God. Destiny is more at peace than she has been in years. I rejoice with her. Both these ladies enjoy favor with God. He has opened doors for them that can't be documented on a resume' or tax form. But the fruit is there.
When Jesus says that " by their fruit you shall know them", I think He meant the same fruit noted in Galatians 5:22.But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control.
The economy of Jesus does not measure or note our faithfulness by our bank accounts, professional positions, community status, or neighborhood address. Even our intellectual prowess is left out of the equations. Don't get me wrong. I am so grateful for a nice home, and warm clothes. I am happy to have the ability to choose what I want to eat. Praise God. However, at the end of the day I must be able to face God and deal with whether or not I answered the call of God to obedience. Did I dismiss His call to a particular action as crazy, won't-pay-the-bills, or 'what will my associates and family think'? So many of us presume that we are supposed live life according to what the world defines as appropriate. Well, maybe those ideas are appropriate. I'd rather be more obedient in the new year. I want to be one to whom Jesus says" well done thou good and faithful servant."   
Angel and Destiny are producing good fruit, reflecting the nature of God's creativity and divine order. Their notes and letters overflow with rejoicing, peace, and testimony of delighting in the God of immeasurable delight and surprises. I've seen pictures of Angel and the gentleness of God coming through her to small children in an impoverished country. How sweet to follow Jesus! 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus! Just to take Him at His Word. Just to rest upon His promise. Just to know thus said the Lord! ~Luisa Stead,William Kirkpatrick

Happy New Year