janet's journey

I thought it time that I actually wrote down my thoughts, dreams, and hopes. Perhaps share some of what I've learned. Maybe someone will be encouraged, comforted (Life is better in community), or just amused.

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Location: Gainesville, Florida, United States

Saturday, April 28, 2012

It Matters

It matters.

The issue of race in America matters.

We are not all the same.

God is too big for that. I mean, really, God is way too big and creative to be confined to one flavor of anything. From ice cream to flowers to people. God is far too creative and complex to be reflected only one way.
Therefore, we are not all the same. That needs to be respected. To say we are all the same is to try and limit God. It denies His creative work in mankind. To say we are all the same is to deny the beauty of silk in our Asian sisters,the salsa fire of our Latina brothers, the swag of my Black son. To say we are all the same denies the perseverance of spirit under the injustice against those of Japanese heritage during WW2, the determination to work hard of Mexican immigrants, and the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow.

This all matters. The same God that scattered the people with various tongues so that they could not continue in their folly with the tower of Babel, is the same God that used a variety of languages to make Himself known at Pentecost. It matters.

So does how we respond to the matter of race in America.

Do I pretend that Mexican immigrants aren't here and living in fear? Do I act as if poor white girls don't exist in the Food Stamp line carrying their own pain with grim, stoic faces? Do I ignore the fact that the Muslim kid in my son's class has something to offer? Do I stop celebrating my own son's manly swag? Of course, not!

It matters that we are just as upset about Black on Black crime among teens, as we are about White man on Black teen crime. It matters that my white friends be willing to acknowledge that their sons will never look suspicious, while mine will, and love him through it. It matters that my son learn that while he must work harder and be more cautious than his white friends, not all white people are evil or suspicious of him. It matters that Benjamin read more than textbooks or science fiction novels. Neither is written about him, nor his ancestors. It matters that while Benjamin must learn of Michelangelo and Abraham Lincoln, he needs to learn of Countee Cullen and Thurgood Marshall. George Washington was our first President. President Barak Obama is the first president to look like us.

Race issues in America matter, because America is where we live, and our race helps define who we are.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Defining Necessity

The first time that I saw this picture was during last year's Christmas season. It made me stop. Look.  Repent. of  pettiness. discontent. greed. whining.
Recently I spent time with a dear friend who taught me more about truly trusting God and waiting patiently for Him.
My dear friend has had a journey very similar to a man named Job. This sweet lady is a single mom with 3 kids, two still at home. Then her eldest got blamed for things he didn't do and is doing a Joseph. Meantime, this precious mom who still had damage from a couple of nasty storms a few years ago, had to boil water on her stove so the kids could bathe. The hot water heater was cold, doors not working properly, roof needing replacement, and she was injured from a car accident. Money was not there. All the while she shared what she did have with who needed it. Her gift, cooking. The woman can really cook! She also has a spirit of praise that was loud and clear. This Sister kept calling God and looking to Him. As she did so, applications for aid were filled out and put on very long waiting lists. Still the praises rang out. Sister-friend attended many praise events, not deliverance meetings, praise events so she can worship and praise the God that she had put her trust in. This went on for about 2 years. I am embarrassed that I complained to God that I didn't heal up in 6 weeks. A few days ago, all of the agencies got together, pooled their resources and put my dear friend at the top of their list for help. New doors, new windows, hot water heater, new roof, cabinet repair, and maybe more. She really preached to me about waiting patiently for God. I really needed that sermon. One of the things I'm most touched by, is the fact that she didn't go out and drag some guy in to be her savior. She trusted and continues to trust The Savior Jesus Christ.
    Hebrews 10:23
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
Oh, to trust Him like that.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Counting my Blessings

Today has been a day of counting my blessings. The only thing Ben is allergic to is bananas. His grades, bless God, are soo good! He was once Baby Ben is now Big Ben and looked up to by some of the much younger boys at church and camp. He once needed a big hand to hold to feel safe in the world, is now the one with big hands to help a young friend feel okay in playtime chaos. Yes, blessings. I was so very moved to see the young man that used to be bullied and taunted at school, greeted warmly and with great enthusiasm by his authentic Christian crew at camp. Blessings. As for me, the bills are all paid. The fridge and cupboard are full. Still have some gas in my car, which is all paid for. I'm blessed, indeed. There is a song by Laura Story call 'Blessings'. She sings of how blessing may come in rain, sleepless nights, and great disappointments. She is right.
Today I also learned that the extended medication therapy last year did not have its full, desired effect. The lymph nodes in my neck did not go down, and there are other symptoms, that will send me back for, quite possibly, another biopsy. I have a hunch it will be a needle biopsy. ouch! While very disappointed that I am not fully cured, I am grateful that God has things in control. I saw God do mighty things the first time around. He shows Himself to be the God of the Impossible. The Bible says in Colossians 2:15
And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. NIV This Easter season, I get to see God make a spectacle of sickness and disease. I get a front seat to see God show off in my life. He has done it before, He will do it again. My body is weak, but Christ in me is mighty! I know it like I know my  own name. One day I might not know my own name, the Lord let me live that long. But may I always know in whom I have believed. It is still a giant blessing.