janet's journey

I thought it time that I actually wrote down my thoughts, dreams, and hopes. Perhaps share some of what I've learned. Maybe someone will be encouraged, comforted (Life is better in community), or just amused.

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Location: Gainesville, Florida, United States

Friday, December 23, 2011

In Honor of Daddy

In honor of my Daddy that passed away 2 years ago this week, I want to share a page from my journal that I wrote after on of our trips to the VA in early 2006.
Lately I have been spending a lot of time at the VA with my father. In so doing, I have the opportunity to observe the retired military men receiving their medical care. Most of these gentlemen are aging, as is my father. There are (sadly) a few younger men.
The one thing that got me thinking this week-end is my father‘s attitude in the midst of all that he is facing. As the doctor explained the details of my Dad’s health-care plan, Daddy said, “Bring it on.”

Bring it on.

That seems to be the unspoken mantra of the patients that I observe. In the face of great uncertainty, of a very real mortality, these men stand as straight as their bodies will allow them and face whatever challenges are before them. I am not saying that there is no fear. I am saying is that fear is not allowed to speak. These men have been trained to face the hardness of life and have not retreated. They know that there is a plan, and they have the mental toughness to deal with the plan and follow-through.
Is it any different for those of us in the army of the Lord? II Timothy tells us to …”endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please Him (our Commander-in-Chief) who called us as a soldier.” Ephesians 6:11 tells us to put on the whole armor of God. Did you ever notice that there is no armor for our rear? The Bible says that the Holy Spirit is our rear-guard. II Corinthians 10:4 describes the weapons of our warfare as mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. We have the weapons, the armor, and a plan. It is all found in the Bible, God’s Holy Word. So what is the problem?
        We are, at least I am, chicken. I am ashamed of the many times that I wanted to retreat, go AWOL, or just vanish in the face of battle. How many times have we begged God for deliverance, or to make the discomfort go away? There are many times that we need to face the challenge and be like the Vets at the VA. We need to be ready to declare ‘bring it on.’ If we would only remember, that the battle is not ours but the Lord’s. He is our banner and leads the way.

Yes, bring it on.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Presence

Christmas season is here. For many, this is a difficult time of year. Sometimes I struggle, too. I live in the house that my Grandparents built. One of my sweetest memories is decorating the house for Momma Lottie, especially after we ditched the artificial tree and bought a fresh-cut one. I still see the way her face lit up when everything was complete and she would just stare at the lights and smell the fresh tree smell. She would sit in her favorite chair and just gaze at the lights on the tree, with the overhead room lights off. She is with our Lord now, and I miss her. She loved Christmas. Daddy went to be with Jesus on December 22, 2009. He loved having all of his kids (immediate, grands, nieces, and nephews) coming in. Daddy loved family more than anything. As, Ben wrote for class, "Why Christmas? Couldn't you have waited a bit longer to leave us?" No, Jesus first, and it was time for Daddy to report in. Daddy T,Momma Lottie, Daddy, Aunt Dot... I can't write anymore names. The tears would fry my keyboard.  I shall always miss their presence.
Fortunately, God has made provision for this. You see, God looked down through time and not only saw our sin, He saw our sorrows. He saw the hard economic times. He saw that many won't have thousands of lights hanging on their homes this year. Electricity is for more important things. He saw hunger and lack of creature comforts. So He sent His Son; not in a mansion and silken wraps. The Son came in a cave-stable wrapped in rags. God lit the way by a star. The Son lights our way through life. His presence makes up for all those we miss and takes out the sting of death and grief. The Son became the Bread of Life and Living Water so that none are empty. He is Consolation and Comfort. A Man of Sorrows and acquainted with grief. His Presence beats any store-bought present hands down. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Well

well [wel] noun a narrow, deep hole made in the ground to reach water, oil, or natural gas, verb to rise to the surface and flow out

Our college ministry started an evening time of prayer and worship on Sundays. As I look at the definitions for well, and consider the way Jesus used wells, I am in awe. Mitch didn't give any deep explanation about the name Well, except that it is a place to get some cool water. It's that and more.
We all know what it means to need and get a cool drink of water. Nothing refreshes or renews like it. The body needs lots of it each day. Jesus met a woman at a well and gave her enough water to satisfy her longing and share with others. The Lord also teaches that the way to eternal life is narrow. We don't drink from a river, or we would consume mud and silt. Though when we turn away from the well God provides, we are doing just that - consuming polluted liquids. Benjamin drew a picture of that one Sunday a few years ago. Those in Christ feast on good food and drank clear water. Those that do not believe eat rotten dead things and drink muddy nasty water.
It is interesting that the definition in Ben's dictionary mentions that this narrow  hole in the ground brings forth things of value. Water, we which cannot live without.  Oil, a source of energy which men go to war over. Natural gas, which if not handled properly will explode and cause immeasurable damage. We can see all of these things in the spirit. If we want the abundant, eternal life that Christ gives, we must go to the well frequently for His water.  Oil is a resource. Just as the gifts and blessings of God are resources that people argue and fall out over. Natural gas is also a resource, but must be handled with extreme caution. Gifts and administrations of the Holy Spirit must be handled with the utmost care and prudence. Churches have split, and lives of faith have been decimated by the mishandling of God's gifts and resources.
Finally, the well is a a rising up to flow out. After partaking of God's deep well, we must go out and let others get some of the contents of our buckets. The Apostle Paul wrote of being poured out on behalf of the saints. Am I allowing GOD to fill me up and pour me out for the benefit of others? Or am I simply consuming and getting bloated. Scientists have documented that too much water too fast with out allowing some to leave the body is dangerous. Occasionally fatal.
I love going to the Well, and not just on Sunday evenings. It is blessed to gather with others that need a drink. Sometimes I need their help pulling up my bucket. There are times in my home when I need to run back for a drink. I am not the Samaritan woman, but I am so glad that Jesus chose to meet me at the well.