janet's journey

I thought it time that I actually wrote down my thoughts, dreams, and hopes. Perhaps share some of what I've learned. Maybe someone will be encouraged, comforted (Life is better in community), or just amused.

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Location: Gainesville, Florida, United States

Monday, May 2, 2016

No More Empty Jars

So here I am. My first day blogging again. It's been a very long time. I allowed so many things to get in the way.  There were some life-sapping times, and energy-draining seasons. My pots and jars of sustenance ran dry and empty. Then this past weekend happened.

The ladies of my church went out to a lovely retreat center and were guided by a wonderfully godly woman in looking into God's word and gazing at our sweet Lord. One of the major passages that she had us work through was 1 Kings 17. Here the prophet Elijah is stationed at a brook that is drying up. He has to drink from a brook that is slowly getting murkier, stinky, buggy,  and just nasty. He is there until it is completely dry. Then God sends him to a widow in another country. He asks her for cake. The widow responds that there is just enough to make one more something for  she and her son then they would die. The prophet asks her to make one for him first. Would you know that  the widow complies, and her jars never did run dry of oil and her bins never empty of flour? How God is that! My life, my creative juices had run dry. So much of what made me me was going stale and sad. I love crafts and creative projects. They are an expression of my love for others and God. Our retreat facilitator directed us through some creative activities that helped me to see that if I would give what is left to Jesus, my jars won't run empty. If I would listen and act on the promises of God, my creative expressions will speak again.

I don't have to drink stinky, putrid water. As I drink from the Living Water that is Christ Jesus I stay refreshed and ready to flow in Him. The words are coming a bit choppy today. but I know that my jars and bins are being filled by my loving Lord. The Living Water is washing out all of the clogs in the ductwork so that my heart and mind are a free-flowing conduit of grace.


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