janet's journey

I thought it time that I actually wrote down my thoughts, dreams, and hopes. Perhaps share some of what I've learned. Maybe someone will be encouraged, comforted (Life is better in community), or just amused.

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Location: Gainesville, Florida, United States

Friday, May 13, 2016

Never say Never

Never say what you'd never do.
I was vehemently opposed to cats. Simply could not understand how anyone could love them. Didn't want to eat anything out of a kitchen with cats. gross. I said that I would never want a cat. Would never allow one to stay in my house. I wanted nothing to do with an ole stinky cat. Again, gross.

Then Benjamin rescued the cutest kitten ever. Sparla was born of wild, feral cats. I still want those feral cats gone. They are so wily and clever. They seem to be on to the whole cage thing. rrrrrrrrr.
But little tiny Sparla was different. She is a sweet kitten. I am shocked by my care for her. I am surprised by the way she trusts me and wants to love her. It is , well... actually, delightful. I am hooked. I want to care for her and get unhappy when Ben doesn't pay attention to her. When he chooses to play video games instead of playing with her when he gets home from school.

There is a wild reflection here of how it is  with God. We see other people that we deem unlovable. We decide how unworthy they are, how undesirable they are. God sees the sweet relationship that He wants with each individual. God rescues each person by way of faith in His Son, Jesus the Christ. This Christ scoops us up out of rough places, and holds us closely. He speaks gently to us, and wraps us in a clean cloth close to His Body. Christ makes sure that each individual is examined by His Holy Spirit and delivers us from whatever sin sickness we may have, inoculating us against satan's vile ailments. God is saddened when the Body of Christ would rather play games than attend to the newly rescued. The Holy God expects us to understand that this is a relationship and not some trophy or "feel good" moment in our day.
 I was once a lonely kitten, out in the elements, in need of a Savior. I thank God, that those times when the body of Christ didn't recognize my needs, He continued to step in and care for  me. He didn't let me just hang out on my own.  Guess what? He loves you like that, too.


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