In My Face
In my face.
Missed them completely.
I visit my sister regularly, but I never thought that items in the guest bathroom were for my use. She asked me if I liked what she had put in the bathroom, and I had to confess that I hadn't thought about them as being for me. Eucalyptus and lavender in abundance. Spa products, lotions and shampoos, and just so many blessings to encourage me. No, I was pulling small items out of the basket at WalMart. God was using my sister, and I didn't recognize it. She had to bring it to my attention. I imagine the perplexed look on her face is the same look God's face when I don't recognize the blessings that He has placed right in my face. Those little things that bless me and encourage me and give me Comfort. I love soaps and lotions and things that bring me refreshment. Now I know. I need to pay more attention.
Forgive me, Lord, for overlooking the many blessings and comforts and acts of encouragement that you have put right in my face. Forgive me for thinking so small. You are a BIG GOD, and I was thinking way too small. You keep putting blessings right in my face. Now I need to open my eyes.
Missed them completely.
I visit my sister regularly, but I never thought that items in the guest bathroom were for my use. She asked me if I liked what she had put in the bathroom, and I had to confess that I hadn't thought about them as being for me. Eucalyptus and lavender in abundance. Spa products, lotions and shampoos, and just so many blessings to encourage me. No, I was pulling small items out of the basket at WalMart. God was using my sister, and I didn't recognize it. She had to bring it to my attention. I imagine the perplexed look on her face is the same look God's face when I don't recognize the blessings that He has placed right in my face. Those little things that bless me and encourage me and give me Comfort. I love soaps and lotions and things that bring me refreshment. Now I know. I need to pay more attention.
Forgive me, Lord, for overlooking the many blessings and comforts and acts of encouragement that you have put right in my face. Forgive me for thinking so small. You are a BIG GOD, and I was thinking way too small. You keep putting blessings right in my face. Now I need to open my eyes.