janet's journey

I thought it time that I actually wrote down my thoughts, dreams, and hopes. Perhaps share some of what I've learned. Maybe someone will be encouraged, comforted (Life is better in community), or just amused.

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Location: Gainesville, Florida, United States

Friday, August 5, 2011

One Another

At Creekside, we have one anther groups. They are our small home groups to help build community. This is based on all of the Scriptures that teach and admonish us to love one another, forgive one anther, bear one another, and so on. It's been that way since before Ben and I got there, just about 12 years ago. Community. It's about community. Karen calls it 'doing life' together. We wanted to hang out one  evening so we made dinner for both families, the kids played. she and I chatted. There was no big t-do.  Just doing life. At Creekside, there is a baby boom every couple of years. And we take the village concept seriously. Benjamin got so used to being fed by so many loving people that I had to really step up the 'stranger danger' teaching. It's a shame I had to even go there.
Now the group that we started with is in middle school. These used to be babies that saw their parents model acceptance and grace to one another. The kids are growing in stature and in the grace of our Lord. Mission trips, counselors in training, VBS leaders, and more. That is such sweet fruit. Guess what. The moms are growing, as well.
I'm still the only African-American mom challenged with' just how much honesty can I stand with the others?" "The Help" is all the talk. There is going to be a book talk about the subject soon. How much honesty will we give one another?  At least the conversation is going to start. We will find out how much we truly love one another. We have an opportunity to go deeper in grace with one another. The transparency has be there so that we can understand one another better. Have I grown past the fears of the past enough to trust that God will provide the Help?


Anonymous Miffy said...

I love reading your posts. You have such insight and wisdom. I am so glad we are sisters in Christ and part of the same chuch family.

August 6, 2011 at 1:58 AM  

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