janet's journey

I thought it time that I actually wrote down my thoughts, dreams, and hopes. Perhaps share some of what I've learned. Maybe someone will be encouraged, comforted (Life is better in community), or just amused.

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Location: Gainesville, Florida, United States

Monday, April 2, 2012

Counting my Blessings

Today has been a day of counting my blessings. The only thing Ben is allergic to is bananas. His grades, bless God, are soo good! He was once Baby Ben is now Big Ben and looked up to by some of the much younger boys at church and camp. He once needed a big hand to hold to feel safe in the world, is now the one with big hands to help a young friend feel okay in playtime chaos. Yes, blessings. I was so very moved to see the young man that used to be bullied and taunted at school, greeted warmly and with great enthusiasm by his authentic Christian crew at camp. Blessings. As for me, the bills are all paid. The fridge and cupboard are full. Still have some gas in my car, which is all paid for. I'm blessed, indeed. There is a song by Laura Story call 'Blessings'. She sings of how blessing may come in rain, sleepless nights, and great disappointments. She is right.
Today I also learned that the extended medication therapy last year did not have its full, desired effect. The lymph nodes in my neck did not go down, and there are other symptoms, that will send me back for, quite possibly, another biopsy. I have a hunch it will be a needle biopsy. ouch! While very disappointed that I am not fully cured, I am grateful that God has things in control. I saw God do mighty things the first time around. He shows Himself to be the God of the Impossible. The Bible says in Colossians 2:15
And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. NIV This Easter season, I get to see God make a spectacle of sickness and disease. I get a front seat to see God show off in my life. He has done it before, He will do it again. My body is weak, but Christ in me is mighty! I know it like I know my  own name. One day I might not know my own name, the Lord let me live that long. But may I always know in whom I have believed. It is still a giant blessing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the Laura Story song. Heard it yesterday on the radio as I was driving, and tears started pouring down my face, remembering God's blessings and faithfulness during times of tears, or sleepless nights. "All I have needed Thy hand has provided -- Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!" (Miffy)

April 3, 2012 at 11:46 AM  

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