janet's journey

I thought it time that I actually wrote down my thoughts, dreams, and hopes. Perhaps share some of what I've learned. Maybe someone will be encouraged, comforted (Life is better in community), or just amused.

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Location: Gainesville, Florida, United States

Monday, March 19, 2012

To the Very Last Drop


        Since I started writing this little book, God has shown Himself to be faithful. He has demonstrated His unfailing love in so many unexpected ways. My son is now in First Grade and just qualified for the Gifted Program in our county. We just got a new car with many extras and paid much less than I ever imagined we would. My friend Joy’s son is being invited to sing for many of our local events. Joy is a single-mommy, and her cutie is bi-racial. Another single-mommy friend carried her son’s report card around when he graduated from high school and could proudly proclaim that he never spent a minute in jail, made a baby, or did drugs. He is now in a large university doing quite well, thank you.
        You see, while single parenting is not God’s blueprint, He can turn a bad thing for good. As my little guy likes to sing,
“Jesus makes everything right”*

*Taken from: The Thesis by Ambassador

No More Guilt

It is now July 10, 2009, so much as happened during these past six years. Ben is no longer a “little guy”. He is almost as tall as I am. We’ve both endured and grown tremendously over the last 6 years. The biggest thing is that I no longer feel the enormous weight of guilt that plagued me in the earlier years. That is all due to the gentle care and guidance of our Lord Jesus. Even though I knew in my head that there is now no more condemnation that are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1), my heart and emotions just kept reeling in the shadows of death (Psalm 23:4). I’ve learned that they are only shadows. God doesn’t waste words. He meant it, just shadows. I won’t tell you that we never see the shadows, or that it doesn’t get dark sometimes. By the grace and mercy of God, we keep walking. So can you. We don’t have to fear the dark, or the unknown. Just know that our great Shepherd and High Priest as already been there and knows just how to keep us sweetly in His care.
Servin’ Jesus gets sweeter and sweeter. It’s done turn to sugar!”
~ an unknown elder

peace and blessings in Him,
Thou hast set a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. – Psalm 23:5


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